
MIG Welding

Wissenswertes über das MIG/MAG-Schweißverfahren

Unter den Schweißtechniken zeichnet sich das MIG/MAG-Schweißen durch Vielseitigkeit, Anwenderfreundlichkeit und Effizienz aus. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf Funktionen, Vorteile und Anwendungsbereiche dieser Disziplin.   Wie funktioniert MIG/MAG-Schweißen?  MIG/MAG-Schweißen ist die Abkürzung für Metall-Inertgas-/Metall-Aktivgas-Schweißen, auch bekannt als GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding). Dieses Schweißverfahren ist eine Art des…

ESSEN Germany 2023

Erkundung der Welt des Schweißens: Eine Tour durch die Messen und Veranstaltungen im Jahr 2023

Veranstaltungen und Messen in der Schweißbranche sind wichtige Plattformen für Unternehmen, um Innovationen zu präsentieren und über neue Technologien auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben. Diese Messen bieten den Fachleuten der Branche eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Kontakte zu knüpfen, Ideen auszutauschen und die neuesten Fortschritte bei Schweißgeräten und -techniken zu erkunden. Außerdem…


Das WIG-Schweißverfahrens

Das Wolfram-Inertgas-Schweißen (WIG), auch bekannt als Gas-Wolfram-Lichtbogen-Schweißen (GTAW), ist ein vielseitiges und hochpräzises Schweißverfahren, das in verschiedenen Branchen weit verbreitet ist. Das WIG-Schweißen bietet eine unvergleichliche Kontrolle und erzeugt saubere, hochwertige Schweißnähte. In diesem Artikel befassen wir uns mit dem WIG-Schweißverfahren, seinen Anwendungen, Vorteilen und den wichtigsten Überlegungen zur Herstellung…


Ein Leitfaden für den Kauf Ihres ersten Schweißgeräts

Schweißen ist eine vielseitige und unverzichtbare Fertigkeit, die in verschiedenen Branchen und in der Freizeit eingesetzt werden kann. Ganz gleich, ob Sie sich für Heimwerkerprojekte interessieren oder sogar eine Karriere als professionelle Schweißfachkraft in Betracht ziehen, der Kauf Ihres ersten Schweißgeräts ist ein wichtiger Schritt. Angesichts der zahlreichen Schweißverfahren, Gerätetypen…


Erfahren Sie mehr über die neuen Technologien beim Schweißen: Von der Ausrüstung bis zur Simulation

Das Schweißen, eine uralte Technik, hat bei der Entwicklung verschiedener Industriezweige wie der Fertigung, dem Bauwesen und der Luft- und Raumfahrt eine zentrale Rolle gespielt. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich der Schweißprozess durch Innovationen bei der Ausrüstung und die Integration fortschrittlicher Simulationstechnologien erheblich weiterentwickelt. Diese Entwicklungen haben nicht nur…


Ausrüstung zum Schweißen: Alle notwendigen Komponenten für die Schweißarbeiten

Um hochwertige Schweißnähte zu erzielen und die erforderliche Zuverlässigkeit von Schweißnähten zu gewährleisten, ist es unerlässlich, die richtige Schweißausrüstung zur Verfügung zu haben. Egal, ob Sie eine professionelle Schweißfachkraft oder das Schweißen als Hobby betrachten, die Investition in hochwertige Ausrüstung und die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsvorschriften gewährleisten, dass Ihre Schweißprojekte effizient,…


Soldamatic revolutioniert die digitale Aus und Weiterbildung von Schweißfachkräften mit neuen Funktionalitäten und einem noch nie dagewesenen Hyperrealismus

Die Software debütiert in Essen SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN (Deutschland) ein industrielleres und kompakteres Design. Angesichts des globalen Mangels an Schweißfachkräften verlangt die Industrie weltweit nach Schulungslösungen, die den Bedarf an diesen unverzichtbaren Fachkräften decken kann. Fachmessen sind seit langem als wichtige Plattformen für die Industrie anerkannt, um ihre neuesten Innovationen…


Die Geschichte des Schweißens: von den Anfängen bis zu den neuesten Technologien

Die Geschichte des Schweißens ist eng mit der Entwicklung des Menschen und mit vielen wichtigen Meilensteinen der Menschheit verbunden. Seit der Antike hat der Mensch nach Möglichkeiten gesucht, Materialien zu verbinden, um Werkzeuge, Waffen und Strukturen zu schaffen und schließlich die Werkzeuge und Gegenstände um ihn herum zu verbessern, indem…


Zertifizierung von Schweißfachkräften: Die Relevanz in der Schweißtechnik

Schweißen ist ein wichtiger Prozess in verschiedenen Branchen, von der Fertigung und dem Bauwesen bis hin zur Luft- und Raumfahrt und der Automobilindustrie. Seine Bedeutung liegt in der Herstellung starker und dauerhafter Verbindungen zwischen Metallteilen, die die Integrität und Sicherheit von Strukturen und Produkten gewährleisten. Die Qualität des Schweißens hängt…

soldamatic augmented training for welding GIZ mozambique

Soldamatic erhöht die Qualität der Beruflichen Bildung in Mosambik

Berufliche Bildung ist ein Grundpfeiler für eine nachhaltige und zukunftsfähige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Berufliche Bildung leistet einen Beitrag zur Erreichung aller 17 Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) und fördert damit eine ökonomisch, sozial und ökologisch nachhaltige Lebensweise. Gut ausgebildete Menschen haben bessere Chancen, menschenwürdige Beschäftigung zu finden und…


Ein umfassender Überblick zu den wichtigsten Schweißverfahren

Schweißen ist eine wichtige Technik, die in verschiedenen Branchen eingesetzt wird, um Metalle dauerhaft zu verbinden. Vom Bau von Hochhäusern bis zur Herstellung komplizierter Maschinen spielt das Schweißen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Herstellung langlebiger und strukturell solider Produkte. Es gibt jedoch nicht nur ein Schweißverfahren. Vielmehr gibt es mehrere…


Soldamatic Industrial Services – Eine Lösung für das Schweißen in der Bahnindustrie

Die industrielle Schweißindustrie ist mit einem weltweiten Mangel an qualifizierten Fachkräften konfrontiert. Allein im Vereinigten Königreich ist die Zahl der Schweißerinnen und Schweißer in nur fünf Jahren um ein Viertel zurückgegangen. Darüber hinaus wird erwartet, dass die Hälfte der derzeitigen Schweißfachkräfte des Landes bis 2027 in den Ruhestand geht, wodurch…


Revolutionierung der Aus- und Weiterbildung im Schweißsektor mit E-learning von Soldamatic

Das Vereinigte Königreich hat seit Jahren ein Problem mit dem Wohnungsmarkt. Im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern hat die Region 4,3 Millionen fehlenden Wohneinheiten zu beklagen. Dies ist größtenteils auf einen Mangel an qualifizierten Arbeitskräften zurückzuführen, zu denen auch Schweißfachkräfte gehören. Natürlich ist der Mangel an qualifizierten Schweißerinnen und Schweißern…


Seabery Nachhaltigkeit in der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Schweißfachkräften

Es gibt zahlreiche Probleme, die mit dem traditionellen Schweißen und der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Schweißfachkräften verbunden sind, von technischen bis hin zu Kosten- und Sicherheitsaspekten. So sind herkömmliche Methoden in der Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Schweißtechnik bekanntermaßen ineffizient und kostspielig, was dazu führt, dass die Trainingsprogramme nicht das…


HyperReal-Sim™ von Soldamatic: Was hat es damit auf sich?

Die patentierte und marktführende Schulungslösung von Soldematic ist die erste ihrer Art, die Augmented Reality einsetzt und es den Anwenderinnen und Anwendern ermöglicht, das Schweißen sicher zu erlernen und gleichzeitig von einem höheren Grad an Wissensspeicherung zu profitieren. Das Herzstück dieser Schulungslösung ist HyperReal-Sim™, ein exklusives und innovatives Feature, das…


Was ist neu in Soldamatic 2023

So wie sich die Bedürfnisse und Herausforderungen der industriellen Schweißindustrie ständig weiterentwickeln, so entwickeln sich auch die Produktangebote und Schulungslösungen von Soldamatic. Nach wie vor besteht ein weltweiter Mangel an Schweißfachkräften, während die derzeitigen Ausbildungsmethoden nicht ausreichen, um die nächste Generation von Schweißerinnen und Schweißern anzusprechen und zu gewinnen. Zudem…


7 High School Welding Project Ideas

First Things First Welding machine Angle grinder Set Square Spirit Level Drop Saw Idea One: A Fire Pit Idea Two: Metal Picture Frames Idea Three: Pencil/Pen Holder Idea Four: Wall Clock Idea Five: DIY Storm Kettle Idea Six: Candle holder Idea Seven: Small Charcoal Grill Concluding Thoughts for Educators


Comau und SeaberyTM bringen ein hochmodernes Roboterschweißtraining an den Markt zur verstärkten Ausbildung von Fachkräften

Das Training setzt sich aus dem patentierten, Augmented Reality-basierten Schweißtrainingssystem Soldamatic® von Seabery und dem Lernroboter e.DOTM von Comau zusammen Dieses einzigartige, innovative und benutzerfreundliche System vermittelt Roboterschweißtechniken und trägt somit dazu bei, die wachsende Nachfrage nach Schweißfachkräften zu erfüllen Nach dem erfolgreich absolvierten Schweißkurs erhalten die Teilnehmer eine Roboterschweißlizenz…


Nearly 30 professionals participated at the Live Webinar

Webinar: “How the Augmented Reality Technology developed by Seabery has improved the welding training in the context of the dual system of vocational education in Germany” Main topics discussed Feedback received after the presentation As a result of the Webinar


Welding Tools for Beginners

Getting started in welding will require a bit of an upfront investment into equipment. If you’re lucky, you might already know a welder with some secondhand gear to gear you started, but for some things, it’s better to buy new, for both quality and sizing reasons. In this piece, we…


Common welding mistakes to avoid

Welding is a great skill that anyone can learn, and as is the case for most learning experiences, some lessons are best learned by making mistakes. Welding, however, is an exception. Mistakes can be costly and dangerous, so it’s important to be fully aware of what they are, how to…


What are the different welding positions?

Why do we need different welding positions? How many different positions are there? –Flat (PA) –Angle (PB) –Horizontal (PC) –Vertical (Could be ascending or descending) –Overhead (PE) What more do we need to know about the four different welding positions? Flat Position: Angle Position: Horizontal Position: Vertical Position: Overhead Position:…


Good vs bad welds: How to identify high quality welding

Strength, Quality and Selection Before the weld is performed, all the technical details must be reviewed to make sure that they are compliant with the technical and quality requirements. During the welding processes, all the parameters must be checked After the weld, different quality tests are performed MIG Welding 1.…

Welding Workshop

10 Reasons why Welding is a Good Career Choice

Hello potential welders! Thank you for joining us and allow us to guide you through ten reasons that we know make welding a GREAT career choice. We won’t make you wait, here’s the 10 reasons… Growing demand = growing earnings Variety is the spice of life No lectures, no seminars,…


What are the highest paying welding jobs?

Pipe Welders $25,000 – $130,000 Recommendations: Complete a welding training program (MIG, TIG, or Stick) Continuous practical development and training Underwater Welders $40,000 – $200,000 Recommendations: Complete a welding training program (MIG, TIG, or Stick) Complete advanced international diving courses Obtain commercial diving certifications Wet welding certification (AWS) OSHA certifications…


How to become a welder – Guide

In this guide, we are going to discuss where and how to get started with your welding career, the minimum requirements that are needed to get into welding jobs, the different types of welding professions available, the educational opportunities that exist and other relevant information that may help you getting…


What are the different types of Welding Joints?

Welding joints, techniques and expertise are applied to countless industries, from automotive and aeronautical, to manufacturing and shipping. Welders are required to have versatile knowledge about the different types of welds and how to perform them, even when the welding required is not as comfortable as hoped. Being adept at…


Ten welding tips beginners should keep in mind

Welding is one of the most difficult trades and it takes time and of course welding tips to learn how to do it. Attention to detail and having a depth knowledge of all the factors that influence the quality of the final result are essential when it comes to this…


New Welding Technology Trends for 2023 and beyond

As technology advances, it often brings additional benefits such as less time wastage, greater productivity, lower costs, improved quality, shorter project timelines, and better finishes. Now in the first half of 2023, predictions for the year are being revealed in the welding industry, including education, professional innovation, and technology. Many…


Seabery and The Centre Marocain de Recherches Polytechniques et d’Innovation (CMRPI) forge a new partnership to bring the future of welding training to Morocco.

This partnership is founded on the CMRPI’s deep knowledge of the Moroccan technical training landscape and Seabery’s approach to disrupt traditional welding training programs. Both the CMRPI and Seabery are committed to bringing the latest developments to improve the quality and efficiency of technical training. This alliance will facilitate the…


China and Russia experience the latest developments in Augmented Reality training

The end of 2018 brought the latest developments in Augmented Reality training to China and Russia. These events counted in top-level speakers from different countries and made it possible to gather a great community of professionals, institutions and companies using Augmented Reality to enhance skills and vocational training. The 1st…


5 Benefits of incorporating a welding simulator in your welding training program

Simulators are key in training programs across different industries and fields. The development of new technologies like Augmented Reality or Artificial Intelligence is improving their features and enhancing the learning process of trainees. From flight to surgery, any activity that requires hand skills and involves any kind of danger can…


Korea High School students get to know the future of Welding Training

Korea Polytechnic Dasom High School organized a 2018 career learning experience at the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KIITs) in Wonju, Gangwon Province. The event was hosted by KIITs and Postech, and its objective was to show future trainees how vocational training is currently being enhanced by the latest technologies…


3 good reasons to become a certified welder

In the recent years, qualified and certified welders have become some of the most demanded professionals within the industrial sector worldwide. In fact, according to de American Welding Society, the welding industry will face a shortage of around 400,000 skilled operators by 2024. Welding fits perfectly with people who like manual works,…


First Advanced Welder Training Centre ready to open in Australia.

The first Advanced Welder Training Centre is ready to open at the Tasmanian Minerals and Energy Council (TMEC) Centre of Excellence in South Burnie, it will count on the latest technologies on welding training. This new Centre is possible thanks to the collaboration between two institutions that are willing to…


Singapore uncovers the latest trends and technologies for welding training

Singapore has held the first educational event on welding training trends and technologies where the latest developments like Augmented Reality (AR) welding simulators were presented to the more than 150 attendants from welding training school managers to leading companies within the industrial sector. The seminar was organised by Uniweld and…


Chinese welding sector discover Augmented Reality welding at Essen Show

This year, more than 750 exhibitors from 20 nations took part in Asia’s most important trade fair for joining, cutting and surfacing technologies. For the first time, the Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting moved to the region of Dongguan, famous for its exports to the rest of the world. Beijing…


Augmented Reality welding training gets to Malaysian instructors

The next step in vocational and welding training has been showed to around 20 Malaysian welding instructors at the IKM Lumut facilities. The event was designed to show teachers the potential of the AR powered solution and how they can use it to enhance the students’ learning process. The event…


Colombian welding instructors get a first hand look at training with Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) training has been introduced to Colombian welding instructors in an educational event held at the National Education Service (SENA) facilities in Bogotá. Around 20 instructors had a chance to understand how this cutting-edge technology can enhance skills training of professional welders and help teachers to provide individualized…


Educational centre implements Augmented Reality to improve welding training in Chile

Tarapacá technical training centre has implemented the first turn-key welding training solution powered with Augmented Reality. This technical training centre in Chile offers 15 superior  technical degrees and is embracing new educational technologies. With the acquisition of this welding training solution, Tarapacá technical training centre will improve the quality of…


Weld and Cut 2017 Dusseldorf hints at the development of welding training

New German GSI (International Society for Welding Technology) CEO spoke in the ‘’Schweißen und Schneiden‘’ (Weld and Cut) 2017 fair about innovations in welding training: ‘’It is useful to train students and give them the skills needed to perform real and professional welding jobs. Welding 4.0 helps us considerably before hiring…


Weldex helds the launch of a new generation of AR welding training solutions

The new generation of Soldamatic 2018 was presented at Weldex, the largest international exhibition for welding materials, equipment and technologies in Russia. The first turn-key welding training solution powered with Augmented Reality produced a great interest among educational and industrial companies. Many welding professors and students were able to try…


Malaysian trainers and students try Augmented Reality welding

Malaysian welding trainers and students have got to know and tried Augmented Reality welding in a demonstration held at Alor Setar Vocational College . Both instructors and trainees had the chance to try the simulator and learn about how it works and how it helps students in getting the closest…


Soldamatic 2018, ‘A new generation of AR welding training solutions’

Soldamatic 2018, ‘A new generation of AR welding training solutions’ aimed to improve the user experience of welding instructors and students, has arrived. The hardware, software and Augmented Reality features of Soldamatic Augmented Training have evolved to provide the most realistic welding feeling in the market. These are some of…


Don’t get stuck on stick welding! Read this post and discover some tips

The foundational principles that will help beginners become good stick welders include choosing the correct electrode, properly setting up their power source, and mastering both a consistent work angle and a consistent travel speed. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), also known as stick welding, has long been a commonly used…


4 ways in which Augmented Reality can help people

Needless to say, technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) are revolutionising the way we live, we conceive information and we communicate with each other. This was just already predicted by scientists like Nikola Tesla, who envisioned in the year 1926 “a device that would allow us to communicate instantly over any…


Pipe welding: five benefits of becoming a pipefitter

Pipe welding is agreed by several experts to be one of the most difficult skills when learning to weld. Many students quit the training and move to work in another welding works unaware of the benefits and advantages pipe welding can bring them. Here are some benefits of becoming a pipe…


Augmented Reality welding presented as a new training model in China

Augmented Reality welding has been one of the main topics in the context of two events the: the 70th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference and the 2017 Beijing Essen Welding & Cutting Fair (BEW) held in the Chinese city of Shangai. In a series of talks about welding skills…


Four benefits of adopting Augmented Reality in training

In the digital era, new technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) have started to play a key role in several sectors. Education is one of the most permeable and influenced. Since students have more and more access to loads of information, traditional lectures are just not enough for fostering their motivation…


Augmented Reality welding hits the 2017 Tokyo 3D&Virtual Reality Expo

Asahi Electronics has been at the Tokyo 3D&Virtual Reality (IVR) Expo introducing the potential of Augmented Reality welding to help Japanese government and industry attract and qualify locally the workforce demanded for the next years, with global scale impact projects like the next Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020. For, Yoshikatsu Iseki, expert…


‘Rosie the riveter’ and the history of women in welding

The history of women in welding started as a female labour revolution which took place during World War II. American women were needed to work for their country in a variety of positions.  So, for the first time, because of male enlistment, they moved from domestic works to enter the…


Six Augmented Reality Stats That Will Amaze You

Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR) usually go hand in hand as a technology pack. But the truth is that they are two different technologies and have their own separate markets. Let’s take a look to the following facts & figures to see the real scope of Augmented Reality:   Augmented…


Seven Wonders of the Welding World

Welding is one of the most essential trades in history. Almost every industrial activity depends to a larger or a lesser extent on welding. Present in many places and in many ways of our daily lives, a great proof of its importance is the seven wonders of the welding world we…


Four reasons to believe in Augmented Reality

Despite being a hot topic and the most popular trending tech, some people and some markets still don’t embrace Augmented Reality. These are our four reasons to convince the most sceptical ones of the growing capabilities of AR and that this technology already is and will more and more be part of…


Welding Helmet: Eight considerations for choosing one

Safety in welding is more than a priority. One of the most critical parts are face and eyes, which are exposed to radiation (ultraviolet or infrared), sparks and spatters, and other environmental hazards associated to welding.That is the reason why welders, beginners or advanced, should take their time to choose a welding…


Three keys to understand how Augmented Reality works

In the recent years Augmented Reality has become one of the most recurring topics in post and articles about new technologies. To get an idea of its relevance, we only need to take a look at the investment figures forecast for the next years. According to experts they will be…


Augmented Reality focuses the welding transfer of technology day held in Colombia

Virtual and augmented realty have focused the welding transfer of technology day held in Colombia. Systems from Spain, USA and Austria were shown up to Mechatronics university students and teachers from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP) and the National Training Service (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA). This activity…


Malaysia gets into skills training with Augmented Reality

Around 100 Malaysian students from College Vocational Batu Pahat have experienced an immersion into the world of skills training with Augmented Reality. Concretely, trainees and their six instructors have tried and played with the first edtech solution to train welding skills Soldamatic Augmented Training. This initiative is framed within Malaysias’ goals for the next…


Seabery considered one of the 20 most disruptive companies

Seabery has been designed as one of the 20 most innovative disruptive companies by a research conducted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the EOI and the Opinno Advisory company. This study, titled Sectores de la nueva economía 20+20 (Sectors of the new economy 20 + 20) deals with the disruption…


Siemens chooses Augmented Reality to modernize its training programs

Siemens in Nuremberg (Germany) is transforming the way their students learn: contents and practices are becoming more and more digital. Concretely, they are using augmented reality to help trainees learn extremely difficult tasks, before they go with the real deal. The multinational has chosen Soldamatic Augmented Training to train future welders…


South Korea trainers get into Augmented Reality welding training

Welding trainers in Guanju (South Korea) have learnt how to train welders using Augmented Reality technologies and the Augmented Training methodology, especially designed to save time and costs and to provide personalized learning. They are VET teachers who belong to the South Korean Government and have participated in an event…


Seabery shortlisted for Spanish ‘Somos Empresa’ Awards

Seabery has been shortlisted for the ‘‘Somos Empresa’ Awards in the Internacionalisation category competing with two other Spanish companies. This prize will be granted nexy 29th November to the company -out of the three- with the most outstanding international character in the marketing of their products, taking specially into account its internacionalization…


Asahi shows up Seabery’s Augmented Training Technology in Japan’s IVR 2016

Soldamatic, Seabery’s Agumented Training Technology, showed up in the 3D & Virtual Reality Expo (IVR)  Japan’s largest exhibition, which took place from 22 to 24 June in Tokyo, thanks to new Japanese partner Asahi electronics Co (AEC).  It was the first time that the Augmented Reality welding simulator Soldamatic was shown in Japan,…


Soldamatic shows up in Portugal by the hand of new partner MWS-Master Welding Solutions

Last 16th September Soldamatic Augmented Training showed up in the VougaPark-Centro de Inovação, in Aveiro (Portugal) by the hand of MWS-Master Welding Solutions . The presentation of the Augmented Reality welding simulator was addressed to the business, academic and scientific sectors, but there were also representatives of public institutions, such as CCDRC,…


Seabery attends with Soldamatic to the 2016 IIW General Assembly in Melbourne

Soldamatic Augmented Training, developed by technological company Seabery, has successfully showed up in the 69th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference 2016  held at Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre, 10 – 15 July 2016. Together with German welding partner EWM, the first Augmented Reality welding simulator has been exhibited for the first time in Australia,…


Indian Government chooses Soldamatic as a leading skills enhancing tool

Soldamatic Augmented Training appears in one of the video advertisings of Skill India, an initiative of the Indian Government, as one of the main skills enhancing tools to modernize vocational training in the country. Concretely the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship is trying to promote technical and vocational training in the country,…


Professional welders from 25 countries tested Soldamatic in Beijing’s Arc Cup 2016

A number of professional welders from 25 countries tried Augmented Reality welding with Soldamatic during Arc Cup 2016 held in Beijing (China) 18th to 23rd June. They were participating in the International Welding Competition organized by the Asian Welding Federation and the International Institute for Welding.  Germany, Canada, Ukraine, Russia,…
