Augmented Reality welding hits the 2017 Tokyo 3D&Virtual Reality Expo

Asahi Electronics has been at the Tokyo 3D&Virtual Reality (IVR) Expo introducing the potential of Augmented Reality welding to help Japanese government and industry attract and qualify locally the workforce demanded for the next years, with global scale impact projects like the next Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020. For, Yoshikatsu Iseki, expert welder at Asahi Kokusai Techneion…

Augmented Reality focuses the welding transfer of technology day held in Colombia

Virtual and augmented realty have focused the welding transfer of technology day held in Colombia. Systems from Spain, USA and Austria were shown up to Mechatronics university students and teachers from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP) and the National Training Service (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje – SENA). This activity took place in the regional…