The 3rd Augmented Training International Congress India took place at the ITC Grand Chola in Chennai, gathering more than 100 people to discuss how Augmented Reality is disrupting Industry and Education in India.
The event kicked off with an Introduction and Inaugural Address form Seabery’s VP Sales & Co-Founder Alejandro Villarán, focusing on how Education and Industry are keys in the development of a country and the importance of making an impact by releasing your talent. This first segment concluded with the German Case Study, describing how Germany is already implementing Augmented Reality in both training centres and industrial companies thanks to Soldamatic Augmented Training.
The Congress then moved on to AR Welding Training Developments & Applications, a role play that showed the whole value proposal developed by Seabery. It provided an example on how these Augmented Reality powered solutions can provide value and assistance to a company in different stages and situations.
The event counted on three different Panel Discussions regarding the roadmap for training modernisation and how different companies and institutions are already facing this matter in India. These discussions were backed up with Indian Success Stories on the implementation of Soldamatic Augmented Training in different companies and institutions.
We would like to thank all the attendants and people who made the 3rd Augmented Training International Congress a success, and specially the speakers for their collaboration.
You can take a look at the best pictures and the aftermovie video in the Congress’ website
We hope to meet you again soon!