South Korea trainers get into Augmented Reality welding training

Welding trainers in Guanju (South Korea) have learnt how to train welders using Augmented Reality technologies and the Augmented Training methodology, especially designed to save time and costs and to provide personalized learning. They are VET teachers who belong to the South Korean Government and have participated in an event called ‘Train the trainers’ in…

Chinese college teachers and students tried Soldamatic at the China-US Maker Competition

Tsinghua University (Beijing) has held the “China-US Young Maker Competition”. A large number of Chinese college teachers and students attended to this event, where Soldamatic Augmented Training was introduced in detail by Seabery’s partner Beijing ARC Xinxing Science & Technology Co.,Ltd . There was also a demonstration outside the venue at the same time, which catched the…

Seabery shortlisted for Spanish ‘Somos Empresa’ Awards

Seabery has been shortlisted for the ‘‘Somos Empresa’ Awards in the Internacionalisation category competing with two other Spanish companies. This prize will be granted nexy 29th November to the company -out of the three- with the most outstanding international character in the marketing of their products, taking specially into account its internacionalization strategy. Seabery is an international…

Asahi shows up Seabery’s Augmented Training Technology in Japan’s IVR 2016

Soldamatic, Seabery’s Agumented Training Technology, showed up in the 3D & Virtual Reality Expo (IVR)  Japan’s largest exhibition, which took place from 22 to 24 June in Tokyo, thanks to new Japanese partner Asahi electronics Co (AEC).  It was the first time that the Augmented Reality welding simulator Soldamatic was shown in Japan, showing the safety, environmental and…

Professional welders from 25 countries tested Soldamatic in Beijing’s Arc Cup 2016

A number of professional welders from 25 countries tried Augmented Reality welding with Soldamatic during Arc Cup 2016 held in Beijing (China) 18th to 23rd June. They were participating in the International Welding Competition organized by the Asian Welding Federation and the International Institute for Welding.  Germany, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, India, Mongolia, Czech Republic,…